Three Tips To Help You With Light Auto Body Work And Repairs

17 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Some car repairs require you to visit an auto body shop for repairs. However, if you've merely experienced light auto body damage, you may be able to perform a few simple repairs yourself. Here are some tips to help you with some of the smallest repairs when your car has body damage: 1. Replacing Loose Bumper Covers And Body Trim Modern cars often have bumper covers. These are pieces of plastic-like materials that cover the metal " Read More 

Swirl Painting Your Car

26 October 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you are looking for a way to add your own style to your car, you may want to jazz things up a bit by giving it a swirl effect with enamel paints and water. You can use this painting method on any part of the car that's plastic or metal. This means you can use this painting method to paint parts on the inside or outside of your car. Follow the instructions below to swirl paint using the colors and designs of your choice. Read More 

Three Situations Where Automotive Sand Blasting Is Preferred To Traditional Sanding

30 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Anytime you want a car repainted, an auto body and paint shop will probably use a rotary sander to remove old top coats and paint. However, there are times when sand blasting is the preferred method. Sand blasting is rougher, faster and grittier than traditional sanding, and it is only used when an auto body specialist is presented with specific issues on the car's surface. Rust and Pitted Rust A car cannot be repainted if it has a lot of rust on the doors, trunk and hood. Read More 

3 Tips For Preventing Vehicle Scratches From Becoming Rusty

20 July 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Even if you are very careful when you drive your car, there is always the chance that the paint job could become scratched due to incidents or various environmental factors. Scratches don't just look bad, either; they can also become rusty over time if they are ignored. If you take good care of any scratches that appear on your vehicle, however, you can help prevent this rust from developing on your car. Read More 

Two Tips to Help You Get Affordable Auto Body Repair

19 June 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you've recently been involved in an accident that left your vehicle with auto body damage, there are techniques you can use to get the work done without spending a fortune.  Although it's great to have the work paid for by an insurance company, you may not want to submit a claim out of concern that your policy rate may increase.  Rather than allow your vehicle to remain in disrepair, use this information to learn more about how to get your auto body repaired at an affordable price. Read More