4 Steps That Auto Body Repair Experts Follow When Handling Collision Repair

22 November 2021
 Categories: , Blog


Collision repair can be confusing and overwhelming for people who haven't experienced a car crash before. Most customers do not care about the technicalities involved when handling the repairs, and they just want the final result. However, there is wisdom in following up and taking the mystery out of the process. Following the procedure helps you understand the cost, labor, and other efforts to return a vehicle to its original state before the accident. Here are the four main steps experts follow when doing repairs. 

Making an Estimate

The professionals start the repair process by checking the state of your vehicle. You take your car to an estimator who assesses the extent of the damages. They give you a quote of the amount of money they believe it might take to return the vehicle to its initial state. They might need photos of the car and other details. They will forward the estimate they make to you and also to the insurance company. 

Disassembling and Repairing the Vehicle

The insurance provider might demand the vehicle to get torn down. They aim to ensure they have documented all damages of your car accurately. They will order the repair parts when you authorize them to repair the vehicle, and the insurer also gives a green light. The repair process starts with an electronic measuring system that analyzes the car and determines how to restore it to its factory settings. This step is crucial as it helps your vehicle maintain its structural integrity after the repairs. The auto shop will also perform an alignment service and make any other adjustments to the suspension system. They will also complete all mechanical repairs to the vehicle. 

Paint and Reassembly

Paint is an essential part of the vehicle repair process after an accident. The shop gets all the paint that matches the original and repaints the chipped bits. They will also prime and seal the vehicle for the best outcome. After the paint has cured, they will reassemble the parts of the vehicle that need it. 

Quality Check and Delivery

After all the repairs, the next part is checking whether the repairs are up to standard. The personnel may test drive your car to ensure it is safe and efficient. Finally, when they are certain that all the parts are working, they will deliver the vehicle to you.

Understanding this process helps you cooperate with the auto shop and get the best outcome for your vehicle. Contact a collision repair service immediately after an accident to learn more..