How To Handle A Not-At-Fault Auto Accident

22 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog


Car collision accidents happen on the roads every single day. While some are mild and easier to solve, others are more complicated. Sometimes you are not the one at fault; the other driver is. In such a situation, you may want to know how to handle auto collision repair. If you are not the cause of the collision, then you require compensation from the driver at fault. But, how can you get them to pay?  There are four unfavorable things that the offending driver could do:

  • Escape from the accident scene

  • Refuse to report the accident to the authorities

  • Refuse to cooperate with you

  • Contradict your statement about how the collision transpired.

If you are in a situation where the other party behaves in any of these ways, you should act upon it. Otherwise, there's a chance you may have to pay for the auto collision repair yourself, which will put you in a worse financial position than before. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out the following steps:

1. Stay calm and act fast

As soon as the accident happens, try to calm down, as you will obviously be in panic. Next, check on all victims of the accident, that is, if you are not too injured yourself. If some passengers and/or you need urgent medical care, call for help. Wait until an ambulance comes to collect those who are hurt; don't move anyone unless it's necessary to save their life. If the other party tries to drive away, then all you can do is to collect their vehicle's plate number. If possible, get the autos out of traffic to avoid affecting other drivers.

2. Collect information about the collision

If you just had a rear-end collision, for instance, then it's clearly not your fault, and you can take action against the other driver. It is better to gather as much evidence as you can just in case they refuse to report the matter to their insurer and the police.  Therefore, ensure that you collect this data:

  • Full name, place of residence, and phone number

  • Their car insurance name and policy number

  • Contact details of witnesses, if any

3. Call the police

Road accident cases are best handled by the police.  This is particularly true if there is auto damage and/or bodily damage to occupants of either auto. The officer's report might prove useful when you are in the process of settling the case with the insurer's claim adjuster.

4. Get in touch with your auto insurer

Even if you are not to be blamed for what happened, your insurer should know about it.  What if you think you are clean when you are at fault? Your insurer will help you if the driver's insurer doesn't take full responsibility.

5. Get a personal injury lawyer

You should avoid auto collision repair cost if you are not to blame. So, have the other driver's insurer company tackled by a qualified personal injury attorney. If it gets to suing, then that's fine because your lawyer will walk you through it.