Car Spray Painting Tips For A Cleaner Finish

17 May 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Your car may need painting as a result of accidental scratches or time-triggered wear and tear. And given that all that you need to get a paint job done is a spray gun, paint and a couple of easily available accessories, it is sometimes more convenient to do the job yourself. The following are painting tips that will come in handy in helping you end up with a clean and refined paintwork.

Avoid the overspray

A paint overspray will complicate the cleaning-after process. And by affecting areas of your car that don't need spraying, it may end up increasing your painting work load. It is for this reason that it is advisable that you detach any part that needs painting. And if this is not possible, taping off the area is a must. You must however be careful when it comes to choosing the type of tape that you use. This is because some tapes can end up damaging the vehicle's finish. To be safe, insist on using a painter's grade masking tape.

Invest in getting a clean slate

Applying paint on dirty surfaces usually creates weak paint-body bonds that usually cause the premature peeling of the paint. Dust particles can also create bumps on the paintwork. There is also the fact that existing patches of paint can come between the new paint and the metal, something that may then create weak bonds. Taking your time to not only rid the surface of dirt, but also loose paint will therefore go a long way towards ensuring a smooth and lasting paint job.

Washing the area that needs painting with a soap and water will be enough to get rid of dirt and grease spots. As for the patches of loose paint and any other surface imperfections, get rid of them using sandpaper.

Observe the multiple coat rule

Using heavy coats when painting usually results in paint runs that increase not only the risks of overspray, but also the chances of ending up with uneven paintwork. Heavy coats also tend to peel off easily because of weak paint-metal bonds.

For the perfect paintwork, go with multiple light coats. Doing so will not only reduce the chances of ending up with paint runs, but also provide for better paint-body bonds. Allowing for a couple of minutes in between light coat applications will further increase the lifespan of the paintwork, something that will go a long way towards reducing your car's maintenance costs. Contact a business, such as Space Age Auto Paint Store, for more information.