3 Ways To Find A Good Collision Repair Shop

22 May 2015
 Categories: , Blog


After being involved in an auto collision, you will most likely need to get your vehicle repaired as quickly as possible. Here are a few different tips to help you find a good collision repair shop. 

1. Choose A Shop That Specializes In Your Vehicle's Brand

For just basic repairs, a regular collision repair shop should be just fine. However, if your vehicle has more extensive damage to it then you should bring it to a shop that specializes in your vehicle's brand.

The reason for this is that each type of vehicle has their own specific nuances about them. Your odds of getting great results are much better if you bring it to a shop where the mechanics are highly experienced when it comes to working on your particular type of vehicle. 

2. Ask Your Friends And Family 

You can easily find reviews online for your local collision repair shops. However, it can be difficult to know whether or not those reviews are from actual satisfied customers or if some of them might have been written by unscrupulous employees from the repair shops.

Asking your friends and family which shops they have had good experiences with is one of the best ways to find a reliable collision repair shop. You might also want to check out any repairs that have been done to your friends and family member's vehicles so that you can see for yourself whether or not it looks the repair shop did a satisfactory job. 

3. Visit Local Shops 

It's also a good idea to go and pay a visit to your local collision repair shops. While you're there, make sure that you ask them to see proof that their mechanics are indeed certified. 

Take a good look around and see what kind of condition they keep their shop in. Is it a real mess there with tools and auto parts randomly scattered all over the place and lots of junk cars in their parking lot? If so, then you should look elsewhere as this might indicate that they aren't very professional and that you might have a long wait until your vehicle is finally repaired.

It's also a good idea to ask for a free estimate from each collision repair shop before you go ahead and choose one. This is very important since rates can sometimes vary widely from one shop to another. 

There's no doubt about it that being involved in a car accident can sometimes be quite stressful. Luckily though, trying even just one or two of these tips should help you get your vehicle back in excellent shape quickly.